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Consult community on tool features
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Using a questionnaire (maybe with 1-to-1 short interviews based on questionnaire results), collect opinion on the followings:

  • How much is this tool needed
  • What should the prime focus of the tool be (hoping to capture the most important feature if not already known)
  • What data type should be covered besides depict (ordered by priority)
  • Suggestions on ensuring edits from this tool is correct

Event Timeline

Questionaire created here:
Waiting for @NavinoEvans and @Eugene233 to review and give suggestions on the questionaire.
(msg left on NavinoEvan's user page pinging both mentors)

The questionnaire looks great to me. It will definitely provide insight into the the most important questions to resolve.

Just one wording change suggestion for clarity:

Question 2)
Instead of:

How important are each data to be verified using the tool?

Would this wording be better?

How important is verification of each type of data using the tool?

Would this wording be better?

Definitely, it's more straight forward and thus easier to understand. Will change.

13 June update: task tracking now being performed using ClickUp. Closing all GSoC tasks over here.