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Lexicography: toward a proper audio words database
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Hello, this is a macro ticket to link all the task related to the different actions we can do to improve the user-friendliness of the LL website.
Many ideas are given in this message by Rugops.

I copy the beginning of the message and create sub-task for the different ideas given in the post

The most important change I think to attract people to the project is to make it super user-friendly to browse existing content. That should be done by having a separate page per word per language. When people can browse and listen to the existing content easily, they will be motivated to add content themselves. Compare a site like Forvo which has 9535 NL speakers contributing, whereas LinguaLibre has only 1 NL speaker.

A possible structure would be:

  • /fr/ would be the home page for French words
  • /fr/word/chien would be the page for the French word "chien"
  • /fr/audio/joe-bloggs would be the page listing the links to all the recordings from Joe Bloggs

A more sophisticated URL scheme could be:

  • /fr/word/chien-12345 would be the page for the French word "chien" with unique id 12345
  • /en/fr/word/dog-12345 would be the EN URL for the french word "chien" with unique id 12345

Event Timeline

Pamputt changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".Oct 6 2020, 7:59 PM

Suggestions regarding the user experience:

  1. A system of voluntary **editors** in each language would be necessary to improve the quality of contents and detect vandalism.
  1. It would be helpful to offer "Certificates" to regular contributors to motivate them and show appreciation for their work. If someone can print a “Certificate” that would be helpful for its Curriculum vitae, the person would be more motivated because the time spent recording its language would be an “investment” that might bring personal benefits.
Yug triaged this task as High priority.Jul 6 2022, 10:55 AM
Yug renamed this task from Improve user experience to Toward a proper audio words database.Jul 7 2022, 9:55 AM
Yug raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.
Yug updated the task description. (Show Details)
Yug renamed this task from Toward a proper audio words database to Lexicography: toward a proper audio words database.Jul 7 2022, 11:29 AM