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Vector skin showing on [[Mailslot]] even though preference is set to monobook
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: marko

One tab on wiki/Net_send, the other on wiki/MailSlot

I'm not a logged-in user at Wikipedia and when clicking the "MailSlot" link on article , the new page is displayed using the new Wikipedia style. This happens in IE8 and FX3.6.3 and even if I clear all cache and cookies.

Version: unspecified
Severity: minor


bug.png (593×877 px, 151 KB)



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 11:09 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz23252.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Weird. I've tried but that works fine. I suggest you try and report back here if the issue persists.

Also, is your skin preferences setting set to Monobook or Vector? Did you change it recently? Are you sure you were logged in in both windows/browsers?

marko wrote:

I don't use a login with Wikipedia - I just read it like most people. So there are no preferences and the bug occured even if I completely purged FX 3.6.3's cache and cookies. Also, I cannot reproduce the bug today.

Sounds like it was a cache issue for non logged in users to do with our squids. So I'm INVALID'ing it, Please feel free to reopen.