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Batches in QuickStatements not working
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The batches present in QuickStatements has stopped working since yesterday. Please check following link:

Event Timeline

Adithyak1997 renamed this task from QuickStatements not working to Batches in QuickStatements not working.May 28 2020, 9:29 AM
Adithyak1997 updated the task description. (Show Details)

It has started working again. It had stopped a minute before the logs in T253738 so possibly related to that.

It likely would have lost database connection during T253738, and it would have been restarted when we upgraded it's k8s nodes yesterday in T246122. If it's working again, I'd be willing to bet that's why and think this can be closed.

Adithyak1997 claimed this task.