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User script no longer displaying before p-personal in Vector menu on Commons
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Description is no longer displaying as it should do at the top next to my username after imported to my common.js page on Commons.

Probably related to the wmf.34 release, since that was rolled out on Commons on 23:22, 28 May 2020 per

Event Timeline

Josve05a renamed this task from Gadget no longer displaying on Commons to Gadget no longer displaying before p-personal in Vector menu on Commons.May 28 2020, 9:49 PM
Josve05a updated the task description. (Show Details)
Josve05a renamed this task from Gadget no longer displaying before p-personal in Vector menu on Commons to User script no longer displaying before p-personal in Vector menu on Commons.May 28 2020, 9:52 PM
Josve05a updated the task description. (Show Details)
Josve05a added a project: Regression.

A change seems to have been made to vector's menu markup, which is what's causing the issue here - some of the bits have been put into a <div> tag.

Easy fix - the script dev just needs to change

.insertBefore( $( '#p-personal > ul > li:first' ) );


.insertBefore( $( '#p-personal > div > ul > li:first' ) );

and it should work again.

Jdlrobson subscribed.

This gadget is listed as impacted in T252447 and referenced in
Please let me know if there was anything I could do to have notified better.

It appears other scripts and template editors were not up to date on what had happened, see e.g.ågor#Försvunnet_kryss (Swedish). It was a good notice in the tech-news, but could perhaps have been mass-notified on pages using such code, since it appears to have been a few.