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Deploy authentication-based access to production
Closed, ResolvedPublic


With all of our requirements for authentication-based access met, we can deploy the authentication-based access features on the Staging branch to Production. This has two components:

  • EZProxy
    • Unset current user config
    • Deploy to preproduction
    • Deploy updated configuration to production
  • TWLight
    • Merge staging branch to Master and ensure deployment pipeline is successful

Event Timeline

Samwalton9-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.

Starting this now. It should be complete at 16:30 UTC

Deployment to ezproxy preprod complete.
Marked changes for deployment to ezproxy prod.

captured a manual backup named pre-bundle.tar.gz

Deployment to ezproxy prod complete. Production ezproxy and twlight configs are out of alignment for the time being.

production TWLight build complete. Deployment on production system should begin in a few minutes.

jsn.sherman updated the task description. (Show Details)

twlight production deployment is complete.

We had login errors for few minutes. The logs were showing None for the oauth url. there were tons of changes. I didn't think any of them impacted the docker swarm stack configuration, but one must have. Doing a git pull and docker stack deploy fixed it up.