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Chinese Wikivoyage format offset adjustment in the upper right corner of the page
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Chinese Wikivoyage format offset adjustment in the upper right corner of the page, as far as I know, the Chinese Wikivoyage community has not changed the internal code, but I don’t know why there is a format problem. Can anyone help improve it?

2020-06-18_23-31-40.png (768×1 px, 351 KB)

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Yuriy_kosygin renamed this task from Chinese Wiki tour guide format offset adjustment in the upper right corner of the page to Chinese Wikivoyage format offset adjustment in the upper right corner of the page.Jun 18 2020, 3:39 PM
Yuriy_kosygin updated the task description. (Show Details)

Thanks provide about note-TA problem and fix method, I will advice local admin to fix it.