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Vector broken in Ghostzilla
Closed, DeclinedPublic


"I used Ghostzilla to check wikipedia, but today it gives an error and cancels the browser, a pity."

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 11:00 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz23886.

We'll need a bit more information that this, e.g. what the error message is and what the quoted user means by "cancels the browser".

Created attachment 7850
ghostZilla when first loading enWIki (compared to a refresh or future loads on next screenshot)


ghostzilla1stload.png (768×1 px, 181 KB)

Created attachment 7851
2nd load (most of the rest of the page comes in)


ghostzilla2ndload.png (768×1 px, 233 KB)

sorry for mass email spam. Downloaded and tested myself and not getting any errors and crashed. It doesn't load perfectly however (see above screens) The pictures load in if you mouse over them (at the moment I'm assuming that is desired behavior) but the tabs and much of the vector bits don't load in at all. If I force the page to use monobook (?useskin=monobook) I get the tabs and it looks a bit better but not perfect. Let me know if you want me to throw up a screen of that as well

Nice to have but I would probably put the priority low. The use of the browser is very small.

Closing out as a worksforme based on comment #4; any specific issues that may remain should be raised with the browser vendor directly.

I just tested with current wikipedia and it looks ok. Seems that whatever problem it had with early vector has been fixed (by us).