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Possible to support Wikimedia sister projects and other wikies?
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I love the idea of QRpedia, but it is a pity that it does not seem to support sister projects and other wikies... What are the chances this gets implemented anytime soon?
I am especially interested in Commons, WikiData and WikiSpore and could make use of this feature already in next weeks.

Best Z

p.s. UPDATE: QRmedia does

Event Timeline

Hi @Zblace, please ask general questions on forums and mailing lists (as Wikimedia Phabricator is for bug reports and enhancement requests). Thanks!

Zblace renamed this task from Possible to support Wikimedia sister projects and other wikies? to Possible to support Wikimedia sister projects and other wikies? UPDATE: QRmedia does.Jan 23 2022, 7:35 AM
Zblace updated the task description. (Show Details)
Zblace updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper renamed this task from Possible to support Wikimedia sister projects and other wikies? UPDATE: QRmedia does to Possible to support Wikimedia sister projects and other wikies?.Jan 23 2022, 4:15 PM