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QRPedia should support all Wikimedia projects
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Currently QRPedia, the tool generating QR codes, is only supporting Wikipedia links. It should also support other Wikimedia projects like Wiktionary, Commons, etc.

Requested on April 2019 on French Wiktionary.

Event Timeline

The Portal tool can be used for this.

But currently it’s only working with Wikidata.
Wiktionaries are linked with Cognate instead.

Good point.

@Evad37 do you have any ideas about whether Portal could support Wiktionary?

The Portal tool generates links to itself, not to Wikipedia. Not sure it does any language detection, either.

I can live with that for now as QRpedia seem to be dormant.

QRpedia is not dormant; it is still in use in various places around the world; and advertised as available for new projects.

Pardon if it sounded harsh. I just saw few questions not answered and no
new developments...should have narrowed it down to that.

The portal tool generates, as the name suggests, a portal-style page with links to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, based on what's connected to the relevant Wikidata item. It does detect device language, or you can set the language from the interface, and then the projects in that language will be linked (as well as the interface being translated). Translations/patches/bug-reports welcome, by the way: