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Delete Phabricator account Forza1000. Email address unconfirmable
Closed, ResolvedPublic


./bin/remove destroy @Forza1000

[17:39]  <    Forza> But I can't login to phabricator
[17:40]  <    Forza> It tries to send a confirmation email to the wrong email address. I'm using oath with mediawiki and the email there is correct 
[17:44]  <    Forza> Hm not sure what to do. I revoked phabricator access and tried again but it still sees the old email 
[17:45]  <    bd808> Forza: what exactly are you seeing as the error?
[17:45]  <    Forza> The error is that fabricator uses the wrong email address 
[17:46]  CptViraj (uid429040@wikimedia/CptViraj) left IRC (Quit: Changing Client)
[17:46]  <    bd808> Forza: that's the diagnosis :) What is actually happening when you click the "Log In or Register" button?
[17:46]  <    Forza> I. E it says "You must verify your email address to log in. You should have a new email message from Phabricator with verification instructions in your inbox (wrong@email)"
[17:47]  <    Forza> It does not display the same email as I have on
[17:47]  <    Forza> So I don't get a email in my inbox 
[17:48]  <    Forza> Because its sending the email to other email address
[17:48]  <    bd808> Is it an email that you once had setup for your wiki account? Or a completely random email?
[17:48] bd808 needs to peek at the code but may have an idea of what is going on
[17:49]  <    Forza> It is my previous email 
[17:51]  <    Forza> But phab was never able to send an email to that email address, even though MW could. This was a few weeks ago. So I decided to change the email I have registered at MW and try to sign up again. But phab has kept my old email even though I have never been able to login
[17:51]  PederJ (~butt@ joined the channel
[17:53]  <    Forza> Seems I need to get someone to delete the account and try again. 

Event Timeline

greg claimed this task.
greg subscribed.
gjg@phab1001:/srv/phab/phabricator$ sudo ./bin/remove destroy @Forza1000

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Objects will be permanently destroyed. There is no way to undo this operation
or ever retrieve this data unless you maintain external backups.


Destroying objects may cause related objects to stop working, and may leave
scattered references to objects which no longer exist. In most cases, it is
much better to disable or archive objects instead of destroying them. This
risk is greatest when deleting complex or highly connected objects like
repositories, projects and users.

These tattered edges are an expected consequence of destroying objects, and
the Phabricator upstream will not help you fix them. We strongly recommend
disabling or archiving objects instead.

This object will be destroyed forever:

    - @Forza1000 (PhabricatorUser) Forza1000 (Forza)

    Are you absolutely certain you want to destroy this object? [y/N] y

Destroying objects...
Destroying PhabricatorUser @Forza1000...
Permanently destroyed 1 object.