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Change placement of page options
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Background: The original design with the two horizontal rules was based on the idea that we could use a smaller font size in the buttons. However, since we’re using the button styles defined by OOUI, I think it would be better to remove the horizontal rules and group page options into a button group, left-aligned with and directly below the title.

Documentation pages (for users without edit permissions, both logged in and logged out)

To do:

  • Remove the two horizontal rules and re-locate the Discussion and Updated {DATE} buttons adjacent to each other, directly under the title. (No changes to the Edit source button are needed at this time.)
  • Ensure that logged-out users see the same options as unprivileged, logged-in users

Expected behavior:

Untitled drawing (1).png (348×925 px, 63 KB)

Observed behavior:

Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 2.49.15 PM.png (862×2 px, 219 KB)

History and talk pages

To do:

  • Remove the two horizontal rules and reduce page option buttons on history and talk pages to a single return-to-page button for all users, both privileged and unprivileged. (Since we'll be using StructuredDiscussions, there's no need for talk page history or editing.)

Expected behavior:

Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 3.02.30 PM.png (480×2 px, 175 KB)

Observed behavior:

Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 2.55.20 PM.png (527×2 px, 109 KB)

Event Timeline

Change 621611 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cicalese; owner: Cicalese):
[mediawiki/skins/WikimediaApiPortal@master] Change placement of page options on documentation pages

Change 621611 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/skins/WikimediaApiPortal@master] Change placement of page options on documentation pages

Verified on beta! Just waiting for a caching issue to resolve before resolving

apaskulin moved this task from PM Sign-off to Done on the Platform Team Workboards (Green) board.

Confirmed on beta! Thanks, Cindy!