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centralnotice breaks on IE6, causing error alerts on all pages (IE6 has no Array.prototype.indexOf)
Closed, ResolvedPublic

is broken on IE6 because it uses a call



var DBsWithVector = [ /* An array of strings */ ];

Array.prototype.indexOf doesn't exist on IE6 (and apparently also IE7, if I'm to believe web resources). The error message in IE6 says that "object does not support this method"--if only they had told me which object and which method, I wouldn't have had to search for some hours!

IE apparently does have an Array.indexOf "static" method, see
but that method is *not* on the prototype! I do not know whether this Array.indexOf static method is indeed available on IE6.

Note that the DBsWithVector thing is inside the string wgNotice!

Proposed fix:

There's two ways to fix this. Simple fix first: replace

DBsWithVector.indexOf( wgDBname )!= -1


(' ' + DBsWithVector.join (' ') + ' ').indexOf (' ' + wgDBname + ' ') != -1

IE6 does have Array.prototype.join, and it does have String.protype.indexOf, so this will work.

More proper fix: since DBsWithVector is used only for this test, change the array into an object:

var DBsWithVector =

{'enwiki':1, 'commonswiki':1, /* and so on, no comma after the last one! */ };

Then test using simply


No need for indexOf at all.

Both proposed fixes should work on all browsers.

Marked "major" since this affects all skins and makes visiting Wikipedia for logged-in users with IE6 next to impossible. Luckily anons are unaffected by the bug, because the full test is

if ( wgUserName == null || DBsWithVector.indexOf( wgDBname )!= -1 ) ...

Version: unspecified
Severity: major
OS: other



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 11:01 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz24083.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

If i recall, Array.indexOf() is non-standard, and also not in opera.

Array.indexOf() is in JavaScript 1.6 ([[JavaScript#Versions]]).

ngautam wrote:

Fixed with a ridiculously long OR statement

Is this some Wikimedia stuff? Changing product and component.