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Factor SocialProfile features of Cosmos into an extension
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Eventually I want to factor all SocialProfile integration features into an extension in order to clean up the codebase a bit. But this is of the lowest priority at the moment.

Event Timeline

Universal_Omega renamed this task from Factor SocialProfile features into an extension to Factor SocialProfile features of Cosmos into an extension.Oct 8 2020, 5:30 PM
Universal_Omega triaged this task as Lowest priority.
Universal_Omega created this task.

All methods under CosmosSocialProfile had an undeclared visibility, and is fixed in

CosmosProfile repository was created by Chris on October 9th (2 days ago) in

Most if not all code that is reliant or related to SocialProfile is listed below. This is sort of blocked on T264907 (this task would be easier to resolve if T264907 was resolved first)

  • CosmosSocialProfile class
  • ResourceLoader modules: skins.cosmos.profileavatar, skins.cosmos.profiletabs, skins.cosmos.socialprofile, skins.cosmos.profileeditcount, skins.cosmos.profiletags, skins.cosmos.profilebio
 		'modern-tabs' => 'wgCosmosSocialProfileModernTabs',
		'round-avatar' => 'wgCosmosSocialProfileRoundAvatar',
		'show-editcount' => 'wgCosmosSocialProfileShowEditCount',
		'allow-bio' => 'wgCosmosSocialProfileAllowBio',
		'profile-tags' => 'wgCosmosSocialProfileShowGroupTags',
		'social-avatar' => 'wgCosmosUseSocialProfileAvatar',
'<h1 itemprop="name">' . $profileOwner . '</h1>' . ( $config->isEnabled( 'profile-tags' ) ? CosmosSocialProfile::usergroups( $parser, $profileOwner ) : '' ) . ( $config->isEnabled( 'show-editcount' ) ? '<br/> <div class="contributions-details tally"><a href="' . htmlspecialchars( Title::newFromText( "Contributions/$profileOwner", NS_SPECIAL )->getFullURL() ) . '"><em>' . CosmosSocialProfile::useredits( $parser, $profileOwner ) . '</em><span>Edits since joining this wiki<br>' . CosmosSocialProfile::userregistration( $parser, $profileOwner ) . '</span></a></div>' : '' ) . ( $config->isEnabled( 'allow-bio' ) ? CosmosSocialProfile::userbio( $parser, $profileOwner ) : '' ) ,

Change 633582 had a related patch set uploaded (by SamanthaNguyen; owner: SamanthaNguyen):
[mediawiki/skins/Cosmos@master] Technical debt cleanup: Remove unused parameters from methods

Change 633582 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/skins/Cosmos@master] Technical debt cleanup: Remove unused parameters from methods

Universal_Omega claimed this task.

This is more work than it's worth and not feasible at the moment.