- InternetArchiveBot uses ölüurl=yes and ölüurl=no parameters for deadlink.
- Turkish Wikipedia community decides to standardise citation templates, which includes deadlink (ölüurl) parameters.
- Bots and AWB users start to edit citation templates, change ölüurl=yes with ölüurl=evet and ölüurl=no with ölüurl=hayır.
- InternetArchiveBot reverts those edits and bots and AWB users start to collide. Examples: and
What is expected from InternetArchiveBot:
- Abandoning ölüurl=yes and ölüurl=no, using ölüurl=evet and ölüurl=hayır.
- Not reverting such fixes. This might be possible by checking ''arşivurl'' (archiveurl) parameter.
Currently, Turkish Wikipedia community cannot use InternetArchiveBot since this bug and T269605.