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Weird timestamping of dumps
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Directory names have different (more recent) name than Last modified timestamp.

This difference incereases during the time.

Example (cswiktionary):

20100311/ 2010-Mar-11 02:44:48 - Directory
20100318/ 2010-Mar-18 15:52:52 - Directory
20100326/ 2010-Mar-26 17:41:09 - Directory
20100402/ 2010-Apr-02 01:39:23 - Directory
20100505/ 2010-May-06 00:00:45 - Directory
20100530/ 2010-May-30 06:09:09 - Directory
20100612/ 2010-Jun-12 09:48:40 - Directory
20100622/ 2010-Jun-22 00:55:28 - Directory
20100727/ 2010-Jul-27 23:56:35 - Directory
20100807/ 2010-Aug-07 20:19:34 - Directory
20100815/ 2010-Aug-14 19:45:51 - Directory
20100825/ 2010-Aug-24 20:35:01 - Directory
20100903/ 2010-Sep-01 22:21:51 - Directory
20100914/ 2010-Sep-11 15:49:16 - Directory

See the August and further dumps.

Version: unspecified
Severity: minor



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 21 2014, 11:11 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz25217.

The server (dataset1) had a bad clock. Closing WONTFIX since we're not going to fix mtimes on old dump directories.

The clock issue on dataset1 has been temporarily worked around. However we expect dataset2 (the sooon to be new XML dump server) to be better behaved.