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Request increased quota for meet Cloud VPS project
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Project Name: meet
Type of quota increase requested: 10 more vcpu and 10 GB more RAM
Reason: People has been saying Wikimedia meet is not working properly T268393: UDP traffic throughput to instances in the "meet" Cloud VPS project not meeting expectations when there is more than two people. Network seems to be fine and it's heavily used by Wikimedia user groups and WMF teams (including research office hours). see for example. Having a better and bigger system so we can scale it up would be amazing. Thanks!

Event Timeline

bd808 subscribed.

Approved in 2021-02-03 WMCS team meeting.

Done :)

dcaro@cloudcontrol1003:~$ sudo wmcs-openstack quota set --cores 18 --ram $((16384 + 10*1024)) meet
dcaro@cloudcontrol1003:~$ sudo wmcs-openstack quota show meet
| Field                | Value    |
| cores                | 18       |
| ram                  | 26624    |