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☂Develop toolkit to help institutions implement Open Access
Open, Needs TriagePublic


A toolkit will be developed for GLAM institutions that have been inspired by the OpenGLAM Declaration and who want to put it into practice with new openness policies and methods. Monitor the area so that EU + Digisam's and other directives are followed when digitizing.

To help institutions move towards Open Access for cultural heritage, WMSE will develop an implementation toolkit and work with local partners to organise workshops in 5 countries, with a minimum of 50 participating institutions

Event Timeline

Jopparn renamed this task from ☂Organize workshops on Open Access for cultural heritage to ☂Develop toolkit to help institutions implement Open Access.Mar 2 2021, 9:36 PM
Jopparn updated the task description. (Show Details)

I've got a pretty advanced draft here I've been working on for a few years would really appreciate some fresh eyes on it. I feel like the structure is good, mainly needs hours to write sections and people to share existing resources they know to link to for each section

@Eric_Luth_WMSE @JosefineHellrothLarssonWMSE for info I've been working on something that could be used for this based on feedback from UN heads of publications, see comment above.

I think its basically the same document needed but different case studies, maybe we can create one doc but it has different paths/examples for different kinds of orgs, like one of those adventure books

@Jopparn see above comments, I've been working on this document for quite a long time based on meetings with UN agencies, skip down to the Table of Contents (some notes and to do list cluttering the top bit). I feel like this has all the ingredients needed we need, and it isn't specific to UN really, except a few of the licensing things and also some framing around the value of open licensing and public mission

I have obviously just glossed over the massive document, but I think that it has a lot of valuable parts in it.

Large parts are however a bit general and basic for what we had in mind here. This toolbox is rather for a more advance stage – when the organization is intending to actually implement the OpenGLAM decleration. Just to give an example, the toolbox would not focus on what a free license is (hopefully they know, since they signed the decleration), but for example what to think about when trying to update the license information on their services (that there is a clear copyright page on the website, that the exif data of the files does not include a copyright tag and so on).