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Make Postgres tests a voting CI job in gate-submit
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Meaning if a patch is being merged and if tests fail in Postgres, it wouldn't merge them (similar to core). Currently check experimental fails because Wikibase tries to install GeoData (which is a soft dependency of Wikibase but still there in CI) and GeoData doesn't support PG yet (T268550). It would also fail due to T278510: Make SqlChangeDispatchCoordinator more db-agnostic but fixing this wouldn't be too hard. We can either get GeoData fixed or avoid loading it in Postgres jobs (which wouldn't cause issues as it's a soft dependency).

Event Timeline

GeoData was fixed with

Wikibase loads the following extensions which have a schema file, all needs to pass (and gets a voting job itself)

  • AbuseFilter
  • AntiSpoof
  • BetaFeatures
  • CentralAuth
  • CheckUser
  • Echo
  • FlaggedRevs
  • GeoData
  • PropertySuggester
  • TimedMediaHandler
  • WikibaseQualityConstraints

GeoData was not fixed with While support was added in the schema, GeoData has a bug preventing insertion of data into the geo_tags table.

See the null fix in that were not included.

I have a patch ready to go that applies cleanly on top of master with that fix. Should I post it here, reopen the GeoData abstractSchema task, or make a new task and post there?

The CI passed on GeoData after the mention fix, that is the first step to get CI voting. If you found further issues with postgres it is okay to create a new task against the GeoData extension

I can make the CI patch, if the fix is merged, ping me.