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[l]ist option does not work
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Run: solve_disambiguation -lang:cs -family:wikipedia -main -start:Marcus.


Alternatives for [[cs:Marcus]]

   1 - Adam Marcus
   2 - Japonsko
   3 - Marcus (automobil)
   4 - Marcus (ostrov)
   5 - Marcus (praenomen)
   6 - Marek
   7 - Minami Torišima
   8 - Rudolph A. Marcus
   9 - Siegfried Marcus
  10 - Starověký Řím
  11 - Wikipedie:Název článku
  12 - Wikipedie:Odkaz na rozcestník
  13 - Wikipedie:Rozcestníky
  14 - Wikipedie:Článek
  15 - automobil
  16 - křestní jméno
  17 - latina
  18 - ostrov
  19 - praenomen

Found 1 references.
Will work on 1 pages.
Retrieving 1 pages from wikipedia:cs.

>>> Mark <<<
 19. století, kdy začalo být užíváno vedle klasického tvaru [[Marcus]].

== Významní nositelé jména ==
* [[Mark Twain]] (1835−1910Option (<number> [1-19], r<number> [1-19], [s]kip lin
k, [e]dit page, [n]ext
page, next disambi[g], [u]nlink, [m]ore context, show [d]isambiguation page,
[l]ist, [a]dd new, [q]uit): l
 19. století, kdy začalo být užíváno vedle klasického tvaru [[Marcus]].

== Významní nositelé jména ==
* [[Mark Twain]] (1835−1910Option (<number> [1-19], r<number> [1-19], [s]kip lin
k, [e]dit page, [n]ext
page, next disambi[g], [u]nlink, [m]ore context, show [d]isambiguation page,
[l]ist, [a]dd new, [q]uit):

When I enter l, I get repeated context, but it doesn't repeat the Alternatives for... again.
I tried to fix it myself, but I gave up. My observations:

  • The option is represented as OutputProxyOption('list', 'l', SequenceOutputter(self.opt.pos)). It has the out property that loads the output from the SequenceOutputter, but it is never called.
  • I tried to override OutputProxyOption.result with:
def result(self, value):
  """Just return None. Needed because of multiple inheritance."""
  return None

Now OutputOption.output is called, but the pywikibot.output call in it does nothing. Maybe it is waiting for ui.input_choice to finish?

Event Timeline

Xqt assigned this task to matej_suchanek.
Xqt triaged this task as Medium priority.
matej_suchanek removed matej_suchanek as the assignee of this task.
matej_suchanek raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.

I took no action towards fixing this...

This comment was removed by Xqt.

Change 693947 had a related patch set uploaded (by Xqt; author: Xqt):

[pywikibot/core@master] [bugfix] Show OutputOption if before_question attribute is not set

Change 693947 merged by jenkins-bot:

[pywikibot/core@master] [bugfix] Show OutputOption if before_question attribute is not set