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Show total number of results for Special:LinkSearch search
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature



It would be extremely useful for people like me working on external partnerships with organisations to be able to easily show how many links to their website come from Wikipedia to establish the importance of Wikipedia in their public education work.

If this is not done currently because it uses more or too much processing power, please could this be added as an option tick box for people who need it.

It is possible to get this number through using search by looking for (e.g for the BBC) insource:BBC insource:/BBC\ however this is very hidden and quite complicated for non technical people to use. It would be much easier to find and use if a total was available in the LinkSearch tool.

Thanks very much

Event Timeline

John_Cummings renamed this task from Please can Special:LinkSearch on English Wikipedia give a total number of links? to Please can Special:LinkSearch on English Wikipedia give a total number of links.Jun 3 2021, 9:10 AM
Aklapper renamed this task from Please can Special:LinkSearch on English Wikipedia give a total number of links to Show total number of results for Special:LinkSearch search.Jun 3 2021, 11:09 AM
Aklapper moved this task from To triage to Special:LinkSearch on the MediaWiki-Special-pages board.
Aklapper changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".
Nemoralis subscribed.

Yes, you need to click "next" multiple times to view the total number.

image.png (225×689 px, 14 KB)

In CirrusSearch interface, there's a "Results number - number of totalNumber" showing the total results found. It'd be beneficial to include this in LinkSearch for consistency and better usability.

image.png (109×204 px, 3 KB)