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Add php-ast to dev-images used by mwcli
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From IRC:

10:10 PM <hexmode[m]> oh, here is a q: do you have php-ast in the docker-dev image?

php-ast is needed for phan to run optimally

Event Timeline

php-ast cannot simply be installed by a Dockerfile in docker-compose.override.yml with apt-get, because that's /usr/lib/php/20151012/, and we need /usr/lib/php/20170718/

With the new Debian in the images, php-ast now can be installed with apt-get. However, Phan 5 isn't compatible:

ERROR: Phan 5.x requires php-ast 1.0.7+ because it depends on AST version 80. php-ast '0.1.6' is installed.