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Doesn't work with php 8.0
Closed, InvalidPublic


When I change php version to 8.0, I get my wiki crashed with the following error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token "match", expecting variable in <mywikifolder>/TemplateStyles/includes/TemplateStylesHooks.php on line 113

When I switch back to 7.4, everything becomes OK. Seems like some incompatibility with the last PHP version.

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Reedy subscribed.

What version of MediaWiki? What version of TemplateStyles?

This was fixed in rETST24cb62e04457: Update use of css-sanitizer classes for PHP 8.0 compat, should be fine in 1.35, 1.36 and master...

Arskrigicioniec claimed this task.

What version of MediaWiki? What version of TemplateStyles?

This was fixed in rETST24cb62e04457: Update use of css-sanitizer classes for PHP 8.0 compat, should be fine in 1.35, 1.36 and master...

Thanks, I forgot to update the extension, it solved the problem.

Reedy changed the task status from Resolved to Invalid.Jul 15 2021, 9:54 PM

@Arskrigicioniec: Hi, please do always follow and use the bug report or feature request forms when creating tickets here. Thanks.