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Website at offline since last outage
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Today @Ferdi2005 reported that this website is offline:

It appears to have escaped our restore and it deserves a manual restore from a random snapshot from our dismissed server fabula (if still available). I will try to get it restored by this weekend as volunteering.

Thanks again Ferdi

Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan created this task.

But, let me understand: fabula is the Schrödinger's server?

But, let me understand: fabula is the Schrödinger's server?

I think it's still a cat, but a pretty pissed off one.

I think it's still a cat, but a pretty pissed off one.

Meantime, in the box, the Schrödinger's cat, plan its revenge.

valerio.bozzolan lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Mar 30 2022, 7:49 AM

It seems nobody cares.

Anyway, it seems its database tables were stored in the very same database of So probably the website was hosted by gvf and not by a server involved in the incident. So probably it was offline before the incident (!).