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Introduce a way to unsubscribe from many threads at once
Closed, DuplicatePublic


T273342 introduced a dedicated space for people to view and manage all of the topics they have subscribed to, manually and/or automatically.

This task is about iterating upon that initial implementation to make it easier for people to unsubscribe from topics they previously subscribed to, in bulk.

User Story

  • As someone who returns to the wiki with a large number of new comment notifications, I want a quick way to unsubscribe from the conversations I am no longer interested in, so that I do not feel overwhelmed and more easily notice notifications about events that I am interested in.
  • As someone who is subscribed to a larger number of topics, I want to be able to unsubscribe from conversations in bulk, so that I am not at risk of reaching the software's storage limit and prevented from subscribing to new threads.
    • (no longer relevant after T294881)


✏️@ppelberg is still drafting this section

Reason for unsubscribingInformation helpful for deciding whether to unsubscribeReferences
Conversation is no longer activeDate last new comment was posted, date when conversation was archivedvia MarMi_wiki at