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Create project tag for Web2Cit
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Name of the project tag:

Type of project:
Web2Cit will have different components, each with its own codebase. Would it be OK to have Web2Cit as an Umbrella project? Or rather make it a Component project with subprojects for each of its components?
Should I ask to join Project-Admins? Or can I just post a task like this for each subproject needed?

Description (read the best practices and include a sentence understandable to the public and without "This project is for tracking work related to..." noise, plus a link to further information!):
Web2Cit is a collaborative source metadata translation system. It enables collaborative and easy definition and maintenance of translation recipes and goals to aid extraction of citation metadata from web sources.

View policy of the project itself:
Public (default)

Event Timeline

Hi, all! Any news about this? I'd appreciate it if someone could take care of this, so we can start tracking pending task in the project. Also, I'd thank you if someone could reply to my questions above.


Aklapper claimed this task.

Hi @diegodlh, sorry that this took longer. Requested public project Web2Cit has been created:

Interested people are welcome to join the project as members, and to watch the project in order to receive notifications on task updates.

Recommended practices for project and workboard management in Phabricator are available - see the subprojects section, but maybe using workboard columns for subcategorization might be also sufficient. This is basically up to you. :)

Feel free to bring up any questions you might have about Phabricator or about best ways to manage projects in Phabricator.


Hi @Aklapper. Sorry for re-opening this, but I thought it'd be better than opening a separate task (let me know if that's what I should do instead).

I don't seem to be able to manage the project (i.e., edit the menu or the details, and create a workboard). Could you help me fix that?

Regarding creating subprojects, I understand I have to join Projects-Admins for that (I've already requested that).

Thank you!

@Aklapper, it works now. Thank you! If you could consider adding me Project-Admins too so I can create the subprojects needed, as requested in T706#7508755, I'd appreciate it.

Thank you!