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Restore amire80 home directory on mwmaint1002
Closed, ResolvedPublic



The production maintenance moved from mwmaint2002 to mwmaint1002. Usually, with such changes, the home directories continue working as earlier, but this time my home directory is empty. It would be nice to restore it. Thanks :)

Event Timeline

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-10-05T19:30:54Z] <mutante> restoring /home/amire80 from and to mwmaint2002 via Bacula bconsole (T292573)

Hi @Amire80

this is because mwmaint2002 had the OS reinstalled. This happened shortly after the switch you describe but the switch of the active server did not make the files go away. They are separate in eqiad and codfw.

You are right that in the past we used to copy all the files over but it also meant that old files from ancient times (think fenari) were staying around forever. So this time I thought the option to restore from Bacula should be enough.

I am currently restoring the files that used to be in your home on mwmaint2002 .. to a different directory also on mwmaint2002. This is what you are missing, right? Will let you know when it's ready.

Hey @Amire80 I restored the files on _mwmaint2002_ from 23 days ago (it was reimaged 22 days ago) to mwmaint2002.

Despite the ticket title I assume these must be what you are after because that is the host that has recently been reimaged and the switch between the 2 servers should not affect which files are in the respective home dirs.

root@mwmaint2002:/home/amire80# ls 
cxstats  deletion_2021_01.txt  deletion_2021_07.txt  deletion_2021_08.txt  scripts

How does this look to you?

Dzahn changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jan 24 2023, 7:49 PM
Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.

pinged on slack

He said it can be closed.