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Request access to beta cluster for Lucas Werkmeister (Cloud VPS project deployment-prep), non-staff account
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


I already have access to the beta cluster as @Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE (see T188427), but I also use it as a volunteer (and am sysop on Beta Commons), and it would be useful if I could work on it using my volunteer account, so I can avoid mixing WMDE and non-WMDE activity. (For instance, I’d like to try using maintenance/undelete.php to resolve T293558.)

LDAP username: lucaswerkmeister

Event Timeline

thcipriani triaged this task as Medium priority.
thcipriani set the point value for this task to 1.

Hey @LucasWerkmeister added you as a project member to the deployment-prep infra. Let me know if you need to be a project admin there.

SSH access seems to work fine, thanks! Project member should be enough for now.