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Request to change fonts on Sindhi Wikipedia for entire site
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Hi, the current fonts on Sindhi Wikipedia are not good enough, so we want to change the fonts on Sindhi Wikipedia for entire site. kindly replace current fonts to " MB Sindhi Sahat ".
community consensus are [ HERE]

Event Timeline

Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Nov 1 2021, 4:00 PM

community consensus are [ HERE]

I cannot see any consensus there as there are zero votes?

Also, which fonts are *currently* being used? Can you please attach a screenshot, and provide info which web browser(s) and operating system(s) this is about?

community consensus are [ HERE]

I cannot see any consensus there as there are zero votes?

Also, which fonts are *currently* being used? Can you please attach a screenshot, and provide info which web browser(s) and operating system(s) this is about?

although there are a few active user, now you can see the [ votes are there].
I think these are the currently used fonts see it here

font-family: Georgia, "Arial", Calibri, Times, sans-serif;

font-family: "Arial" !important;

previous fonts were

font-family: Georgia, "Calibri", Times, "sans-serif";

font-family: "sans-serif" !important;

See screen shot image here

Operating system is Windows 10, web browser Google Chrome

Current fonts and how they look on Sindhi Wikipedia

After changing fonts to the requested MB Sindhi Sahat, all pages look like this

also asked here

It's unclear to me what exactly this task asks for, and why it was filed here, as you can edit MediaWiki:Common.css

See screen shot image here

Replacing "sans-serif" by "Arial" is a really bad idea, as many systems (mine included) have no "Arial" font. Please fix this.
Please _always_ define font families (!) as a fallback.

I think these are the currently used fonts see it

Those are only the fonts for page content itself, not for user interface elements. If you wanted to change default font families, that is up to the Sindhi Wikipedia community as MediaWiki:Common.css content is up to the Sindhi Wikipedia community.

kindly replace current fonts to " MB Sindhi Sahat ".

I have no idea where to get a font called "MB Sindhi Sahat". Please provide it's free and open license including a link, and please provide more information.

For the records, current fonts and how they look on Sindhi Wikipedia in Firefox 93 on Fedora Linux:

Screenshot from 2021-11-02 10-40-10.png (363×1 px, 162 KB)

font "MB Sindhi Sahat" can be downloaded from here

I can't edit edit MediaWiki:Common.css on Sindhi Wikipedia because it can only be edited by interface admin and I am only an admin and have no access to edit this file.

Aklapper closed this task as Declined.EditedNov 2 2021, 10:33 AM

It says "Copyright © Ahmed Soomro, 2005-2009. All rights reserved." so I decline this task, as I requested a "free and open license" in the previous comment.

because it can only be edited by interface admin and I am only an admin

Please bring up user rights permission requests or on-wiki edit requests on - thanks a lot!