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upgrade/replace VRTS (formerly OTRS) buster to bullseye
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Let's try upgrading the current "otrs1001.eqiad.wmnet" to bullseye.

Also while doing that the name of the machine and the puppet module should change from OTRS to VRTS but that is T293942.

So this one here is about:

  • requesting and creating a new machine, vrts1001 (or otrs1002 or vrts1002, heh)
  • installing bullseye on that
  • applying the puppet role and checking what goes wrong
  • fix what goes wrong or have clarity what is missing
  • some magic to import data if needed
  • eventually switch production from old to new instance

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Dzahn updated the task description. (Show Details)

This way it can take its time and won't touch existing production and we can also use it a little bit as an example project.

+1 on the general concept and actions. Some more information on the

some magic to import data if needed part:

Not really much is actually needed. Up to now, we purposefully keep data in the database and not the file system of the host. The only thing that will probably be needed is a single file

  • /opt/otrs/Kernel/

There was also /opt/otrs/var/log/TicketCounter.log in the past, but that's actually no longer needed anymore.

Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 10 2021, 5:56 PM

Sounds great, thanks for that, Alex.

LSobanski raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.

In T338418 otrs1001 was replaced by vrts1001 in production today. Details are over there. This means we how have a bullseye VRTS machine in both eqiad and codfw and the production one is bullseye as well.

jeremyb-phone renamed this task from upgrade/replace VRTS (formerly ORTS) buster to bullseye to upgrade/replace VRTS (formerly OTRS) buster to bullseye.Jun 15 2023, 4:47 PM