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Investigate making left nav the default regardless of browser window width
Closed, DeclinedPublic


(splitting this into two separate tasks)

Material for Mkdocs does a really nice rendering of its default/standard horizontal nav menu into a left nav tray when the browser window size can no longer accommodate the full width of all the menu items horizontally:

image (1).png (1×1 px, 107 KB)

We should investigate the possibility of having this type of left navigation menu displayed on *all* browsers (likely collapsed into a tray on mobile),
This would be a nicer UI for the dev portal because it would:

  • Ensure more consistent UX/UI across languages: the Material theme seems to be rather smart about switching from the horizontal menu to the vertical one when the nav labels overflowing the horizontal space. This (nice) behavior will, however, result in the portal rendering differently depending on the language in which you're viewing it. In the screenshot below, for example, the horizontal nav can accommodate the current section labels in English, but if they were being rendered in German, the increased word length would likely result in the horizontal nav automatically being rendered as a left vertical nav instead. It would be nice if you didn't have a different navigation experience based on the language you're using.
  • Eliminate the need to be overly terse in how we name site sections due to the constraints of displaying section labels horizontally. Labels that look quite nice in a vertical nav look terrible and hard to read when rendered horizontally:

image (2).png (1×2 px, 174 KB)

Event Timeline

This comment was removed by TBurmeister.
TBurmeister renamed this task from Investigate possibility of permanent left nav decoupled from horizontal nav to Investigate making left nav the default regardless of browser window width.Dec 22 2021, 6:24 PM
TBurmeister updated the task description. (Show Details)
apaskulin changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Apr 18 2022, 7:34 PM
apaskulin added a project: Upstream.
apaskulin subscribed.

Currently no way to do this other than forking and recompiling the theme, per this comment

apaskulin lowered the priority of this task from Low to Lowest.Apr 21 2022, 12:56 AM

Based on user feedback, we've decided to use the horizontal navigation and sidebar on wider screens