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Codemirror tooltips not appearing in 3rd Party Wikidata Query UI installation
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

  • Call in the browser which links to
  • In the query, select "wdt:P2" by highlighting it with the editor (eventually press ctrl+space while to toggle tooltips)

What happens?:

What should have happened instead?:

  • Syntax is highlighting the recognized statement


what_should_happen.png (162×328 px, 13 KB)

Software version (if not a Wikimedia wiki), browser information, screenshots, other information, etc.:

  • Checked on multiple versions of Firefox (Ubuntu 95.1) and Chromium ( Ubuntu 97.0.4692.71 )

Versions for MediaWiki

docker_wdqs-updater_1 wikibase/wdqs:0.3.40-wmde.2
docker_wdqs_1 wikibase/wdqs:0.3.40-wmde.2
mardi-wdqs-frontend wikibase/wdqs-frontend:wmde.2
docker_reverse-proxy_1 traefik:v2.5
mardi-wikibase wikibase/wikibase-bundle:1.35.4-wmde.2
docker_wikibase_jobrunner_1 wikibase/wikibase-bundle:1.35.4-wmde.2
mardi-portainer portainer/portainer-ce - administrators
docker_wdqs-proxy_1 wikibase/wdqs-proxy:wmde.2
docker_elasticsearch_1 wikibase/elasticsearch:6.5.4-wmde.2
mardi-mysql mariadb:10.3

Event Timeline

Physikerwelt renamed this task from Syntax-Highlighting not appearing in DockerWikibaseQueryService to Codemirror tooltips not appearing in 3rd Party Wikidata Query UI installation.Jan 12 2022, 5:11 PM

A simple workaround is to enable CORS Everywhere. However, it would be better to understand why this does not happen on and how we could adjust the config so it works for our custom URL.

Your WDQS UI is configured to talk to instead of for some reason, and that proxy is discarding the access-control-* headers which MediaWiki correctly sends. Where does this proxy come from?

@Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE thank you. I did not spot the difference. The proxy is build into the container wikibase/wdqs-frontend:wmde.2 and from within the hosting solution we are using one can not reach (I don't exactly know why, but that is a different problem).