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View "last commit" made for a given tool
Open, MediumPublic


User Story

As a tool maintainer,
I want other technical contributors to view version control information on my tool
So that they can discern the "health" of my tool

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given my tool is version controlled, when I add my URL to repository in toolinfo.json, I expect to view when the last commit was made for my tool page
  • Given my "last commit" is viewable on my tool page when I make a more recent commit, I expect the "last commit" to be updated


image.png (922×1 px, 281 KB)


  • Last commit is at the day granularity, making our polling schedule daily. This is fine for the 600+ version-controlled tools we have to date, but not scalable in the long run...

Open Questions

  1. How will the "last commit" be made discoverable from the user? Either by filterable/sortable search or a query param via the API, etc.

Related Objects


Event Timeline

sdkim edited projects, added Toolhub; removed Toolhub (Product Roadmap).
sdkim moved this task from Backlog to Research needed on the Toolhub board.

Removing inactive task assignee.

bd808 lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Mar 4 2022, 9:50 PM