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give me a random mismatch in the Mismatch Finder
Closed, ResolvedPublic8 Estimated Story Points


As a mismatch reviewer I want to be able to get a random mismatch to review in order to not have to rely looking for specific Item IDs that might or might not have mismatches available.

Right now you need to provide a list of Item IDs which then might or might not have mismatches for you to review. We should offer the ability to get a random Item with mismatches from the store.


Screenshot 2022-05-03 at 14.34.18.png (1×1 px, 109 KB)

GIVEN the Mismatch Finder main page
WHEN clicking the "Random mismatches" button
THEN I am redirected to a results page with 15 random Items that each have at least 1 unreviewed mismatch

Acceptance criteria:

  • "Random mismatches" button is added to main page of Mismatch Finder
  • clicking the "Random mismatches" button loads the results page for 15 random Items with at least 1 unreviewed mismatch


  • If there are less than 15 Items with unreviewed mismatches in the store then we show all the ones that are available
  • If there are no unreviewed mismatches available we show an error message to the reviewer on the results page. The copy is "There are currently no mismatches available for review."
  • In the address bar, /random gives a random results, the same as clicking on the Random button.
  • /random redirects to the results page with the ids /results?ids=Q2|Q7|Q66
  • When no un-reviewed mismatches have been found, the /random endpoint redirects to results?ids=

Event Timeline

Lydia_Pintscher moved this task from Backlog to Needs work on the Mismatch Finder board.
karapayneWMDE renamed this task from give me a random missmatch in the Mismatch Finder to give me a random mismatch in the Mismatch Finder.Jul 26 2022, 9:33 AM
karapayneWMDE set the point value for this task to 8.Jul 26 2022, 9:38 AM

Possible breakdown notes (to be expanded when discussed with the team)


  • For the button, create an icon in wikit that will be used by the button
  • Do a wikit pre-release with the new icon
  • Add a button to the homepage.

Functionality of random mismatches:

  • Query the database for available mismatches and select random 15 from there to be displayed in result.

I think the only thing left to do now is to deploy the new version, right?

Well deployment should happen automatically on merge to main, and indeed it did :) I'd say it's ready to verify