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Setup server wmch-dicoado1
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Info about server setup: wmch-dicoado1 ( (

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Event Timeline

valerio.bozzolan updated the task description. (Show Details)
valerio.bozzolan renamed this task from Setup server dicoado1 to Setup server wmch-dicoado1.Mar 30 2022, 4:18 PM
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description. (Show Details)

Hi @Raphoraph,

Can you please add also this SSH public key as well?

1ssh-rsa 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 www-dicoado@wmch-dicoado1

So the Unix user called www-dicoado in the server wmch-dicoado1 is authorized to enter in your and do first imports. Thank you so much!

Our gateway IP is if you need to allow-list it.

I'm sending to you an e-mail confirmation for this.

You can now use your key to connect to :-)

I confirm that the SSH authorization works. Thank you!

Tomorrow morning we have a 4 hours WMCH Tech boost sprint on this.

Dear @Raphoraph,

We completed the first temporary transfer (I think successfully)! Can you give a look on your project at this temporary location?

Thank you so much for your check!


I've completed a small script that hot-transfers and hot-patches everything so, when you and us will be ready, the real-world switch will be quick and painless.

Let me know if something is broken!

I mark this as resolved since basic server setup is now concluded and we can proceed with the rest and planning with you the final switch.