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'preview' of a formedit doesn't show categories
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: dan.bolser

When I preview a normal edit, I can scroll down to the bottom of the page (below the edit box and submit controls) to check that I typed the category names correctly. The categories for the page-to-be sit down there, hopefully blue and not red.

However, when I preview a formedit, I don't see any categories for the page at all... I guess this is related to the weird category box CSS that makes it appear at the bottom of the page.

On the off-chance that you're an expert, how can I create divs that float like the category box?

Version: unspecified
Severity: minor



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 21 2014, 11:35 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz28646.

Re-assigning to Stephan, since he's in charge of the preview JS stuff.

It's necessary feature to view categories in page edit preview.
please set Priority to high

Please elaborate why this is necessary.

when writing article from zero this thing it's needed to view if entered categories exists. It's impossible to know perfectly wiki's category three.
Since this thing is missing, when i write different, more complex articles, i just not enter any category and thereupon i search them via HotCat.
But, a lot of users does not use gadgets like HotCat, and anonymous user also can't, so they just can introduce wrong titled categories without having possibility to check fast if it exists.

also displaying categories in preview can prevent saving mispelling typos in them, and, in generally it avoid multiple edits of page because of apparently minor things like incorrect or inexistent categories.

i was close to fill in new bug as enhancement feature request, but i found this bug via search and thus i wrote here.
thank you

Yaron_Koren claimed this task.
Yaron_Koren subscribed.

It appears that this was fixed sometime in the last nine years, because now when I do a preview from within "edit with form", I do see the relevant category at the bottom of the screen.