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Determine ownership and future of Wikimedia Resource Center
Open, Needs TriagePublic


I was told in November 2019 that T211104 (which I cannot access, so no idea what was the outcome there) is about revisiting the ownership of WRC. In August 2020 I was told that WRC is now under Movement Communications thus boldly CC'ing @Qgil. (T143629#5460455 also implies so.)

Taking a quick look at today,

  • Learning Quarterly is listed which was a newsletter that has not seen any updates since 2018
  • This Month in Education links to while it seems that the newsletter has either moved to instead, or replication is broken (?)
  • Evaluation reports says it's from 2014-2015. Probably not that useful?
  • Grants for Individuals links to a page which says "TPS Program is closed and no longer accepting applications"
  • Evaluation reports (see above) duplicates Grants Impact Reports
  • Hay's Tools Directory is linked but not Toolhub
  • Tools for Programs links to some Google spreadsheet (!) last updated in January 2018
  • Feedback page for Flow on uses the term "Flow" which has been rebranded to "Structured Discussions"
  • Hackathons on lists an outdated contact
  • Product Research links to a page with "Ongoing projects" not updated since 2017 and not marked as {{historical}}, and lists an outdated contact
  • Design and Branding lists an outdated contact
  • Audience Research lists an outdated contact

Without anyone being responsible to curate content, and without a concept to update, remove, and identify content to add, WRC seems to become less and less useful abandonware.

What is WMF's plan for WRC?

Event Timeline

@Qgil, hi, could WMF-Communications take a look at this? Or any idea who else to subscribe? Thanks a lot in advance!

I believe the best way to contact Comms is through email ( talktocomms@ ).

Thanks. I've been told that:
WRC has been outdated for a while and not maintained since at least 2018, that the previous team/department that no longer exists, and that it is ownerless.
Movement Communications seems to have plans to build a better front door (cf T232983: Process to handle questions addressed to the Wikimedia Foundation) which is supposed to include a navigation structure to allow finding useful resources, and that building upon WRC was looked into but scope or design do not fit the needs.
Idea is to mark most of WRC as out of date when that new front door is released. However, if marking things as out of date and won't cause disruption, there is no opposition to marking pages as out of date. One thing to keep in mind is that it is currently linked from the Meta sidebar.