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Cannot create user "<script>alert(1)" even if adding < and > to $wgLegalTitleChars
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I want to do evil things on my local, and I'd like to create an account with an XSS attempt in its name: <script>alert(1). By default this is not possible, because < and > are invalid in titles [1]. So I added them to $wgLegalTitleChars and tried again, but I'm getting the following uncaught error:

UnexpectedValueException: ID for "<script>alert(1)" was 0, expected 84

from AuthManager::beginAuthentication().

This does not happen if I e.g. remove the ">". This should be fixed, by either forbidding < and > in usernames if they cause issues (and thus showing an adequate error message), or by making them work correctly.

[1] - As a side note, says that these characters "cause problems with HTML escaping". You kiddin'? Those "problems" (a.k.a. insufficient escaping and vulnerable code) shouldn't exist in the first place, regardless of allowed characters in titles.

Event Timeline

Oh, I see, > is reserved for external user names. Thus, as per the task description, the solution should be to forbid > in usernames and show an adequate error message.

Umherirrender triaged this task as Low priority.

Change 797478 had a related patch set uploaded (by Umherirrender; author: Umherirrender):

[mediawiki/core@master] user: Add > to $wgInvalidUsernameCharacters, used by ExternalUserNames

Change 797478 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@master] user: Add > to $wgInvalidUsernameCharacters, used by ExternalUserNames