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Enable people to sort talk page discussions
Open, Needs TriagePublic



Testers across all tests and all devices struggled significantly to make sense of the timeline.

"It would have been better if the most recent (conversation) was at the top of the page." UT-7

Possible Solutions

  • Review earlier explorations of the talk page which flipped the timeline upside down
  • Introduce functionality that would enable people to:
    • A) Sort the discussions on a given page based on criteria like: discussion start date, comment count, participant count, most recent update
    • B) Decide how talk page discussions are sorted by default on the talk pages they visit

Event Timeline

ppelberg renamed this task from Testers struggled to understand the page timeline to Enable people to sort talk page discussions.Jun 3 2022, 7:57 PM
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg moved this task from Triaged to New Features on the DiscussionTools board.

Removing inactive assignee. (Please reset assignees of open tasks when offboarding staff.)