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Show discussion metadata beneath sub-headings that appear in non-discussion H2s
Open, Needs TriagePublic


In T302450, we decided to initially prevent discussion-level metadata from appearing beneath sub-headings that appear in non-discussion H2s. [i][ii]

This task involves the work with revising the initial approach described above to ensure that section-level metadata appears beneath any sub-heading that "contains" a discussion, regardless of whether a discussion is present or not within the "higher order" section that sub-heading is contained within.


When I happen upon a discussion, I want to be able to see, at a glance, the number of people participating in the discussion, the number of comments that have been posted, and the last time someone posted a comment, so that I can use this information to help me decide whether I'll engage with the discussion more deeply. E.g. read the comments people have posted and potentially post a comment myself.


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i. Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Larger suggestions/Usability testing for talk page banners: Notice how the == Usability testing for talk page banners == section contains both non-discussion and discussion-related content.