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Exclude seconds and milliseconds from comment IDs
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Are there plans to start keeping track of the seconds and milliseconds when talk page comments are posted?

If there are no, ID endings like :00.000Z seem to be useless – they eat up space:

  • in URLs (an ID like c-Example-2020-09-22T20:10-Example-2020-09-22T20:00 is 24% shorter than c-Example-2020-09-22T20:10:00.000Z-Example-2020-09-22T20:00:00.000Z)
  • as well as in page HTML (= traffic, and on a page with ~200 comments I see 823 occurences of :00.000Z, which is almost 1% of the whole HTML content – not so negligible)
  • as well as in the database.