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Library Bundle Configuration for SpringerLink
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SpringerLink, an existing partner, has agreed to move to Library Bundle. We need to update their EZProxy configuration.

Before making this change we need a list of the user emails (privately) with active authorizations so we can let them know.

Event Timeline

Is my email addy on the private list? As an NPP reviewer, I need full access without a time limit. I thought we could only get bundled access for 1 year, but when I renewed (early), I was denied access to the sources I need most.

Bundle access isn't limited to a year: as long as you continue to meet the basic access requirements (not blocked, at least 10 edits in the past month), you will continue to be able to get Bundle resources. (Previously Springer access has not been part of Bundle so was time-limited).

You may now update the partner config in staging and test it out.

additional info:
The change is deployed to ezproxy preprod and the library card staging environment has been synced to production.

PR for the ezproxy config change:

I also did some cleanup on the ezproxy.usr file as we had a few dangling resource group references

Deployed to ezproxy prod; you may now update the partner config in library card prod.