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pagetriage-copyvio log entries don't appear in the replica databases
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue

What happens?:

  • 0 rows

What should have happened instead?:

  • 1000 rows

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

There's no reason I can think of to hide this information. It's publicly accessible at Special:Log under Potential copyright violation log. Was probably just a whitelist omission. Thanks to @Cryptic for the analysis.

The patch for this is probably to add - pagetriage-copyvio right here:

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Change 815215 had a related patch set uploaded (by Zabe; author: Zabe):

[operations/puppet@production] maintain-views: Add pagetriage-copyvio to allowed logtypes

Change 815215 merged by Btullis:

[operations/puppet@production] maintain-views: Add pagetriage-copyvio to allowed logtypes

BTullis subscribed.

I have merged the change to the maintain-views script.

I have now applied this change to the 'web' wikireplica service, by running the following command on each of clouddbd101[3-6]

sudo maintain-views --table logging --all-databases --replace-all

I had depooled these servers at the dbproxy layer, by switching the wikireplicas-b service from dbproxy1018 to dbproxy1019 temporarily.

I'll now repeat this operation on the 'analytics' wikireplicas service.

I have now run the script on the four 'analytics' wikireplicas, clouddb10[17-20] well as the analytics db replica: clouddb1021

All servers have been repooled.

I believe that this can now be resolved.

I forked the original query and re-ran it:

image.png (122×496 px, 13 KB)