The changes decided or under discussion are based on our knowledge from organizing Wiki Workshop for 9 editions as well as a recent survey to the past authors of Wiki Workshop to learn about their needs and preferences.
Topics decided
- For the 10th edition of Wiki Workshop, and in the spirit of experimentation, we will organize the event as an independent event.
- The event will be a fully online/remote event.
- We have decided to have a session that focuses primarily on creating meaningful bridges between the WM research communities and developer communities. @Pablo is working on the details of this session.
- We will have a special edition as part of ACM Transactions on the Web. Details tbd and Leila will pick it up again with Ryen White, Editor-in-Chief. fwiw: we have already sorted out the big line item questions which is the feasibility of timelines and how to handle the licenses. There are of course more details to work on. (context:The authors survey (albeit a small number of them participated) were split 50-50 about whether seeing their paper as part of WWW companion proceedings is critical for them. This shows to us that if we want to experiment with dropping the proceedings in a given year, this year may be a good one to try it. At the same time, we discussed the possibility of having a special edition and invite some of the top Wiki Workshop papers to submit an extended paper to appear in proceedings of an established journal. )
- a 1-day event. We discussed whether we should consider a 2-day event instead of a 1-day event and we landed with the 1-day option. If we have strong reasons to hold the workshop across two days, we can re-open this topic.
- Research paper submission: We will go with the IC2S2 model of accepting extended abstracts that if accepted will be published on the Wiki Workshop website. The main motivation for submitting to the workshop will be: increasing the visibility and impact of ongoing or past research, and receiving feedback from reviewers and the participants of the workshop. The feedback is particularly helpful for those who may decide to submit their work to the special call as part of the ACM Transactions on the Web.
- When: May 11th, 2023.