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As a general user, I want to be able to edit basic tool information/metadata on Toolhub: name, description, tags
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


I am compiling a list of content partnerships tools on Toolhub, and have already encountered quite a few cases where the basic metadata of a tool (its name, its short description) is incorrect or incomplete and where I would like to edit this information, even though I am not an owner or developer of that specific tool. Lots of metadata about tools can be edited by anyone (great!) but not the basic metadata (which I think would also be great to make editable by anyone).

One example is where I would like to modify the name from 'Cassandra Israel' to the more descriptive 'GLAM Wiki Dashboard' (which is much clearer for end users and the description to something more... descriptive (something like 'A usage analysis tool for GLAM institutes to follow free contents contributed to Wikimedia projects')

Also, I'd like to be able to add and modify tags (e.g. 'GLAM' 'statistics'), ideally to make this tool more discoverable.

Event Timeline

I would like to edit this information, even though I am not an owner or developer of that specific tool.

The current ownership/edit model is documented at

The metadata that you can edit as a Toolhub community member which mirror fields from the toolinfo.json specification are only displayed in the UI if the corresponding field in the core record is empty or missing. I understand the desire you have to improve existing records, but I am not yet convinced that we should display community provided information overriding maintainer provided information. I'm willing to hear arguments as to why I should change my opinion on this or consider new alternative ideas.

Also, I'd like to be able to add and modify tags (e.g. 'GLAM' 'statistics'), ideally to make this tool more discoverable.

The current free form keywords/tags are marked as deprecated in the toolinfo.json specification because they are very chaotic. Allowing anyone to type in any word in any tense to aid in discovery turns out to require quite a bit of work on either automated or manual term reconciliation to be useful. This assumption was reinforced by the research done towards taxonomy design in the last few months.

To replace free form tags, we are proposing the addition of several fields with controlled vocabularies as Taxonomy v2. This proposal is currently in a phase of soliciting feedback from the larger Wikimedia community. Please do take a look and give us some advice about what you feel is good or in need of more work in these ideas.

bd808 changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".Aug 12 2022, 4:10 PM

Also, I'd like to be able to add and modify tags (e.g. 'GLAM' 'statistics'), ideally to make this tool more discoverable.

The current free form keywords/tags are marked as deprecated in the toolinfo.json specification because they are very chaotic. Allowing anyone to type in any word in any tense to aid in discovery turns out to require quite a bit of work on either automated or manual term reconciliation to be useful. This assumption was reinforced by the research done towards taxonomy design in the last few months.

To replace free form tags, we are proposing the addition of several fields with controlled vocabularies as Taxonomy v2. This proposal is currently in a phase of soliciting feedback from the larger Wikimedia community. Please do take a look and give us some advice about what you feel is good or in need of more work in these ideas.

T308030: Controlled vocabulary and taxonomy for Toolhub has been completed. This is hoped to help greatly with categorizing tools. We will be doing some announcements in January 2023 to promote these features, but they are already live on Toolhub so please do try them out and see if they help with making things a bit more discoverable.