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Extension:Auto Create Category Pages creates an abort with 1.17.0beta1
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Author: Felix.Wagemakers

Error. When using the extension

The extension doesn't work with Mediawiki version 1.17.0beta1 no problem with version 1.16

Version: unspecified
Severity: blocker
Whiteboard: aklapper-moreinfo, aklapper-moreinfo


error.png (228×778 px, 39 KB)



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 21 2014, 11:28 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz29510.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Adding the only author of the extension that I could find in Bugzilla as a CC. But it has been almost 3 years since this was last touched, it looks like.

You'll need to get more debugging information than that. Since it's on your localhost, have a look at [[mw:Debugging]] to get some more information on the exact cause of the error.

Felix: If this is still a problem in a supported version of MediaWiki, can you provide more information, as described in comment 2? Thanks in advance!

This looks rather unmaintained, as the Uniwiki extensions listed on are still in SVN and have not migrated to Git. Might close as WONTFIX.

If you have time, could you please update to a recent supported version (see ) and tell us if this problem still happens?
If this still happens, please add a comment to this report and tell us either your exact software version in case that you know (by updating the "Version" field of this bug report), or on which wiki the problem can be seen. You can find out about your version by going to the Special:Version page, such as .

I set the status of this report to RESOLVED > WORKSFORME for the time being, but feel free to reopen if this problem still happens.

Felix.Wagemakers wrote:


I have tested the extension on version Mediawiki 1.22.5 with version Versie 0.3.0 of AutoCreateCategoryPages and it seems to be working fine. So over time the problem was sold.


Felix Wagemakers