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Show the deleting Admin a warning message about which "Wikis subscribed to this entity"
Open, Needs TriagePublic


User story:
As a Wikidata administrator about to perform a delete action,
I want to know which "Wikis subscribed to this entity",
in order to assess my decision more efficiently.

Currently, I can only access the information about which "Wikis subscribed to this entity" on the "Page information".

Show the deleting Admin a warning message about which "Wikis subscribed to this entity".

Acceptance criteria:

  • Show warning message with a list of "Wikis subscribed to this entity".

Previous discussion:

Event Timeline

I don’t know how much attention admins pay to this, but as a (non-admin) user who nominates non-notable items for deletion every now and then, I always forget to check subscribed wikis. I’ve had to create a template that states that there are no subscribed wikis, which reminds me to actually check it. 😀 So I think this would be quite useful (much more important than T315828, which can be checked by opening the item page itself).