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Request creation of text-to-speech VPS project
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Project Name: text-to-speech

Wikitech Usernames of requestors: Samtar

Purpose: Move (currently hosting from commtech's WMCS project to its own dedicated project & increase VM specifications/count.

Brief description: Related to T317274: Use free software implementation for Phonos on Wikimedia sites, it might be useful to see how committing higher compute/memory resources and tuning Larynx (an "End to end text to speech system using gruut and onnx") improves the quality of these ML text-to-speech models. I'd likely end up having two Larynx instances and a load-balancer, so VM count is going to be limited. I will however be using the highest possible VM flavour for the Larynx instances. Once is migrated that commtech VM can be decommissioned.

How soon you are hoping this can be fulfilled: No deadlines, ideally this month

Event Timeline

+1, thanks for exploring this! Can we avoid the acronym and name it "text-to-speech"?

TheresNoTime renamed this task from Request creation of TTS VPS project to Request creation of text-to-speech VPS project.Sep 8 2022, 2:56 PM
TheresNoTime updated the task description. (Show Details)

+1, thanks for exploring this! Can we avoid the acronym and name it "text-to-speech"?

Good idea, updated 😄

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2022-09-08T16:46:30Z] <balloons> initial project creation T317319

Project created, samtar added as admin.