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Paging in categories doesn't work.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: rabe


I'm running a 1.17.0. In one Category I have 365+ Pages (one page using for each day in year):

Clicking "nächste 200" in the category-pager results in ("5. Juli/Bild") is the 201st item in this category. In NS=0 we don't use subpages, so "foo/Bild" is a plain article name.

Paging doesn't work here.


Version: 1.16.x
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 21 2014, 11:26 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz29844.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Did it ever work? Was this upgraded from an older version of MediaWiki?

rabe wrote:

I'm pretty sure it worked in the past. And yes, this wiki is continously updated since end of 2005 (around 1.6)

I'd like to get confirmation that this is really a 1.17 bug before upping the priority.

rabe wrote:

Stadtwiki Karlsruhe (22k articles, 20k images) has some very large categories, see, it is running 1.16.0.

Stadtwiki Pforzheim-Enzkreis is running 1.16.5 and paging in large categories works here, e.g.

I'm not sure when they will migrate to 1.17.x, but I'll take look on this topic after an upgrade.

(In reply to comment #5)

Stadtwiki Karlsruhe (22k articles, 20k images) has some very large categories,
see, it is running

Stadtwiki Pforzheim-Enzkreis is running 1.16.5 and paging in large categories
works here, e.g.

I'm not sure when they will migrate to 1.17.x, but I'll take look on this topic
after an upgrade.

Pforzheim? Not been there in YEEEEAAAAARRRRRS

FYI, you should at least get those upgraded to 1.16.5 for security updates.

The category members sorting stuff looks like it's been done, as it *looks* ok on the API..

<categorymembers cmcontinue="page|21390a50524f4a454b54452f484155505453454954454e42494c4445522f53455054454d424552|16710" />

And then|21390a50524f4a454b54452f484155505453454954454e42494c4445522f53455054454d424552|16710

We get continuation of months...

Adding Aryeh as CC since he helped do most of this collation work last year.

Status update: I've been able to successfully run the update on a dataset that I was given to test. So it doesn't appear to be endemic to the 1.17 upgrade. Maybe it was an extension or something else that caused the problem.

rabe wrote:

Actually an extension caused this behaviour. I disabled

require_once($IP."/extensions/CategoryTree/CategoryTree.php" );

in our LocalSettings.php and then for example works as expected.

So this behaviour may be influenced by (older?) Versions of CategoryTree and is not a general bug with mediawiki core.

thank you

rabe wrote:

UPDATE: I just updated CategoryTree from CategoryTree-MW1.16-r62678.tar.gz to and re-enabled this extension in LocalSettings.php.

Everything seems fine now.