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Bullets markup on mobile site is unintuitive
Open, MediumPublicBUG REPORT


On Wikipedia's mobile site, two consecutive lines with bullets look more spaced apart than two bullets with a line gap in between them, which is very unintuitive.

Screenshot_20220925-015304_Edge.jpg (485×959 px, 70 KB)
Screenshot_20220925-015325_Edge.jpg (426×759 px, 61 KB)

See example at . As in the picture, bullets 2 & 3 are more spaced apart than bullets 1 & 2, despite the fact that bullets 2 & 3 are in consecutive lines, while there is an extra line between bullets 1 & 2.

What should have happened instead?: The space between any two bullets should be equal as in desktop site.

[First reported at ]